Michael Hart's book "Hubris: The Troubling Science, Economics, and Politics of Climate Change" is available in Ottawa at Books on Beechwood and on Kindle, Kobo, and IBook.
The Canadian International Council’s Ottawa branch featured the book and he was a panellist at its meeting discussing Canada’s stance at the Paris meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change
Governments have for twenty years tilted at the windmill of climate change. Until last year, these annual extravaganzas in exotic locations could claim some forward movement. At Copenhagen last December, however, reality finally bit, but not after having loosed all kinds of opportunists who have hitched their pet causes to that of climate change, including an increasing number of officials in Canada and elsewhere whose careers are now tied to the vain hope that the earth’s climate is a matter of a government policy. It has become firmly embedded among bureaucrats as the official, perceived, authoritative position. Hubris anyone?